
After temporarily closing in November 2022 for internal reorganization purposes, Libya’s Trade Mark Office resumed operations on May 28, 2023. The Trade Mark Office, additionally,  implemented a new practice – trade mark applicants are now required to submit a legalized Power of Attorney and a commercial registration document at the time of filing. Where it was, previously, generally possible to late file the supporting documents, late filing is now only allowed for applications claiming priority, within 40 days from the trade mark application filing date.

Practitioners may also be aware that the last Official Gazette publishing trade marks was published in December 2020. The Trade Mark Office is expected to resume publication this year. Importantly, we understand that the Trade Mark Office will publish registrations that are due for renewal. Once these registrations are published, we further understand that a three-month opposition period will follow. Failing opposition, the published filings must be renewed.


After suspending its operations on February 1, 2023 due to industrial action, the Lebanese Intellectual Property Office (IPO) resumed operations on May 9, 2023. Due to the backlog, the IPO is now working on previously filed applications, renewals, and recordals. New filings are received only periodically. 

By Hussein Haidar